Thursday, June 14, 2012

Vintage Objects Make for a Stunning Steampunk NYC Home

In homes, the steampunk aesthetic typically manifests itself in an accessory here and there – perhaps an entire room for the most dedicated fan. But this apartment in Chelsea, NYC takes steampunk to the extreme.
Every inch of the 1800 square foot apartment is decked out with recycled industrial pieces and vintage machinery that bring to mind the interior of a time machine or an antique submarine. Or perhaps it’s more like the inside of some mad mechanic’s dream workshop.
One of the completely unmissable highlights of this insanely cool apartment is the 32-foot-long zeppelin-shaped lamp that runs along the ceiling. It’s lined with programmable LEDs to give off a unique kind of glow in this altogether unusual home.
In the master bedroom, a steel skeleton-like frame supports a repurposed parachute. Stretched out over the frame, the parachute forms a flowy barrier between the sleeping area and the rest of the home.
Slightly out of place in the otherwise industrial/steampunk interior are the luxurious marble bathroom and the austere tree-lined terrace. But these surprisingly conventional touches only serve to reinforce the crazy cool look of the rest of the apartment.

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