Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Chalet Beranger by Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance

The Beranger hut in the town of St Martin de Belleville in France is a small bonne bouche for the eye. Its author is Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance, a designer and an interior architect. The building is enveloped by beautiful natural surroundings, situated in the middle of alpine mountains. For any observer, it is clear from the start that, this is not any ordinary, traditional hut, even though some elements, like the visible truss, already hint on something. The main element is a big living room, in the centre of which a strange fireplace can be found.
The whole space is tuned in soft colors, mostly grey and light brown. You would not find any unsettling element in the form of a lively color. Interior is geometrically made not only of right angles, but curves as well. It may be thought that some fragments are even sculpted pieces of art, which is an idea not too far from truth, considering that the author studied sculpture as well.

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