Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Historic Farm House Building + Modern Home Addition =

modern rustic home addition

Sometimes it seems impossibly challenging to match the natural aged beauty of a historic structure, while in other cases the addition of a sleek modern building extension can create a contrast that enhances the aesthetics of both old and new alike. In this incredible renovation-and-addition project, new materials and contemporary forms seem to compliment rather than compete with the aged farm house structures to which they are attached.
modern minimalist home addition
Under most circumstances this minimalist structural addition by Odos Architects – composed of simple flat planes of concrete and glass accented by vertical lines of wood siding and metal frames – would be an elegant and elemental work of modern architecture, not necessarily noteworthy but nonetheless impressive and livable. Connected in a clean and creative way to the pitched-roof, rounded-window side of an old stone structure, however, and the nature of the structure starts to change entirely.
modern stone wood glass home
Juxtaposed with similar gray and brown tones in the recently renovated surrounding farm buildings, this addition takes on new meanings in relationship to its history-rich neighbors. The rough and variegated stone masonry enters into a visual dialogue with the finer-grained and smoother concrete of the modern box. The added wood slats have a creative parallel in the aged wooden doors. From each perspective, a fresh take on this complimentary interplay appears.

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