Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Zombie-Proof Facade: Black Steel House + Flip-Up Windows

Close the front entry door and raise the drawbridge-style bedroom window and the whole frontage fades into the nighttime darkness, giving no hint that anyone may be dwelling within.
Its architects did not (sorry to disappoint) design it against undead intruders, however, but instead to ward off termites (via metal and glass) and blend unobtrusively between a green-walled neighbor on one side and concrete-block facade on the other.
Muir Mendes were their own clients in this case, working weekends outside of firm hours to complete their urban dream home. As enclosed and uninviting as it looks from the front, it is open to daylight and an outdoor deck to the rear.
Inside, too, the residence is lit from above via a second-story-ceiling skylight, open all the way to the first floor via a continuous, house-long, double-height corridor.
“Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, one study, open plan living and storage have been carefully crafted into the 115m2. The house is divided into two living zones with the Level 1 gallery study forming the in-between space.”
“Steel construction was adopted to combat the tight site and aggressive termites. Windows, doors, stairs and joinery have been fabricated from steel puncturing the white interior. Tallow wood flooring was selected given that it does not suit the selective pallet of the termite. The flooring folds through the space and up the walls providing a robust skirting.”

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