Thursday, September 8, 2011

Flat-Pack Mobile Home: The Swiss Army Knife of Apartments

Since its first iterations over a century ago, the Swiss Army Knife has evolved into the household name and industry standard for compact multipurpose design in the realm of tools … now another firm from Switzerland has taken aim at doing the same thing for portable living.
Made to fit everything from minivans and station wagons to compact cars, the Swiss Room Box folds and unfolds to create every essential room of a house … all from four core modules requiring no special tools or outside parts to assemble or deploy.
For once, too, this is not just a conceptual fantasy – it is an engineered reality, ready for use as a portable dwelling for traveling urban couples or base camp for families heading into the forest for a rural retreat.
Flat-pack pieces slide into place to form tables and chairs as well as more complex shapes needed for sinks, structural support for warp-around shower curtains and sturdy longer platforms to support single sleepers or double beds.
It really is rather amazing just how far the contents of four basic boxes can go, but as any veteran camper knows: it is all about making everything you bring serve more than one purpose, from layered clothing to dual-function support structures.
“‘Swiss made’ embodies a concept of quality that includes the technical quality such as reliability, precision and robustness as well as their aesthetic quality among them elegance and originality of design. It covers both traditional and new manufacturing techniques.”

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