Friday, August 5, 2011

In-Home Dome: Childrens’ Cast-in-Place Concrete Playspace

Posted: 04 Aug 2011 09:00 AM PDT
[ Filed under Various Rooms & in the Interiors category ]
The rest of this home in Osaka, Japan, is creative, contemporary and contextual … making a curious hill-like domed area within the domicile stand out all the more.
Inside, there is a small living room space with a curved ceiling and adjacent bathroom, all made cozy as a retreat from summer heat or insulated relaxation area for winter mornings whehn the in-flooring heating slowly comes to life.
An aperture lets out selective views and admits direct sunlight during part of the year and indirect day lighting during the rest, based upon desired solar heat gain and other sustainability factors.
This unusual domestic intervention is bold not just because it is draped with insulating cloth, making it almost tent-or-yurt-like in appearance, but due to the contrast between its and thee house’s primary colors (green versus white), materials (concrete versus wood) and shapes (domed versus rectilinear).
Designed by SpaceSpace architects, this truly is a space within a space. As for the rest of the home: second-story bedrooms provide privacy, while the main floor feels almost like a storefront, engaging the busy urban adjacencies per the programmatic desires of the clients.

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